Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning

Whether due to lack of time or physical impediments to making the effort involved in cleaning windows at home, it is important not to neglect this activity.

To keep your windows and glass doors beautiful, you can hire our window washing service, which ensures a deep cleaning on both the inside and outside of the window, as well as a shiny, clean and scratch-free surface, thanks to our special products for this purpose.

Glass cleaning varies according to the conditions of each situation, for example, in houses it is advisable to clean the blinds 2 times a week with a gentle shake, and the glasses 1 time every month and a half or two, as long as they are not getting dirty. due to the weather, such as mud or drops of water staining the glass.

In the case of cleaning in hotels, shopping centers and businesses, we recommend doing it on a monthly basis, in order to keep them shiny, without stains and looking good. If you are in an area with very adverse conditions, such as exposed to a large amount of mud, a fortnightly cleaning could be considered.

Interior Windows

Accumulated dirt and grime can build up on the inside of windows without anyone noticing. We can include interior window washing in your weekly or monthly cleaning routine.

Exterior Windows

Instantly enhance your home’s curb appeal with exterior window cleaning. Exterior windows develop layers of dust, dirt, water spots, and other grime over time from exposure to the elements.

Pressure Washing

Things like stubborn mold, moss, or dirt can make gutters, patios, hallways, and driveways look tired or worn. One of the best ways to eliminate these unpleasant annoyances is to pressure wash the surfaces in your home. Pressure washing involves a small hose, wand, and compressor that is powerful enough to remove tough stains and all kinds of build-up from many surfaces. Pressure washing is not the best solution for all cleaning tasks, such as soft surfaces.